Andreea Itu

Present Perfect

"We have just bought a new car." The present perfect expresses actions which happen in the past but have a result in the present and generally don't happen regularly. It is translated into the German tenses "Perfekt" or "Präteritum". The present perfect is often indicated by "just"(= gerade), "already"(= schon -> only in sentences) or [...]

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Simple Past

Englisch Grammar - Past Simple "I watched TV last Sunday." "He was studying yesterday." The simple past is used for actions in the past that are already completed and happen regularly or singularly. It is used like the German tenses "Perfekt" or "Präteritum". Words/phrases that indicate the simple past could be for example "yesterday", "last

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Simple Present

English Grammar - Present Simple "The bus arrives at 7.30." "I have a cold." The simple present is the English equivalent to the German "Präsens" and is used to express conditions as well as actions in the present, which take place regularly or are repetetive, generally valid or fixed (like schedules or timetables). Indication words

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