"If she hadn't been too late, he wouldn't have needed to text her."
The conditional II describes possibilities in the past. It is also often used for indirect speech or with the so called if – clauses.
subject + “would”* (+ not) + “have” + past participle
- I would have liked to go swimming.
- If she hadn’t been ill, she would have gone out.
Formation of questions:
(question word +) “would”* (+ not) + subject + “have” + past participle
- Would you have bought him a present? – Yes, I would have./No, I wouldn’t have.
- Would they have liked her to show up?
*Instead of “would” other words like “should”, “could” or “might” can also be used.
Das Conditional II beschreibt Möglichkeiten in der Vergangenheit. Es wird außerdem oft für indirekte Rede oder mit den so gennanten If – Sätzen verwendet.
Subjekt + “would”* (+ not) + “have” + Partizip II
- I would have liked to go swimming. (Ich wäre gerne schwimmen gegangen.)
- If she hadn’t been ill, she could have gone out. (Wäre sie nicht krank gewesen, dann hätte sie ausgehen können.)
Bildung von Fragen:
(Fragewort +) “would”* (+ not) + Subjekt + “have” + Partizip II
- Would you have bought him a present? – Yes, I would have./No, I wouldn’t have. (Hättest du ihm ein Geschenk gekauft? – Ja, hätte ich./Nein, hätte ich nicht.)
- Would they have liked her to show up? (Hätten sie es gemocht wenn sie aufgetaucht wäre?)
*Anstelle von “would” können auch andere Wörter wie “should”, “could” oder “might” verwendet werden.