
Kommasetzung im Englischen

Kommasetzung in der eigenen Muttersprache ist schon nicht einfach. Und dann noch in der Fremdsprache! Ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit, oder? Nicht mit uns! Wir haben hier für Sie die wichtigsten Regelungen zur Kommasetzung zusammengetragen. Komma zwischen zwei Hauptsätzen Our cat Charly is always hungry, Sveta loves to feed him. – Unser Kater Charly ist immer […]

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Present Perfect

"We have just bought a new car." The present perfect expresses actions which happen in the past but have a result in the present and generally don't happen regularly. It is translated into the German tenses "Perfekt" or "Präteritum". The present perfect is often indicated by "just"(= gerade), "already"(= schon -> only in sentences) or

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Past Perfect

"They had talked to the teacher... ...before they went home." The past perfect is equivalent to the German "Plusquamperfekt". It is used to express and differ between older and younger actions so if there is an action and another action, which happened before, is supposed to be described, the older action has to be expressed

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Simple Present

English Grammar - Present Simple "The bus arrives at 7.30." "I have a cold." The simple present is the English equivalent to the German "Präsens" and is used to express conditions as well as actions in the present, which take place regularly or are repetetive, generally valid or fixed (like schedules or timetables). Indication words

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